When you see a nice flash on internet, how to save it to your local disk? You don't know the directly url of the swf file. Now use our product Free Flash SWF Downloader, it is easy to download swf files from internet. It is absolutely free, download this tool to get start. Download ThunderSoft Free Flash SWF Downloader
Step 1 - Copy and paste url and start download
For example, you see a flash on this url: https://www.thundershare.net/slideshow-factory/samples/Car%20show.html
Now launch this program, you can see the window below. All you need to do is copy and paste the url, and then press "Enter" or click "Start download" button. This program will detect the URL, extract and download all swf files in it.
Step 2 - Preview downloaded swf files
As you see, this program will download swf very fast. After download successfully, open output path to get the swf files. You can also preview it on this prgram. On software interface, it provide some useful tags, you may need it if you need convert swf file to other file format.